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Words Matter – Concepts and Philosophies

New Nation Congress: Is a gathering of people to have a conversation about the systems by which we govern ourselves. That conversation may turn into a political party designed with the express purpose of proposing a cognitive approach to our underlying programming and amending the systems to fit the resulting new way of thinking. It would be a party of transition and would not be intended to be permanent.

Creative Humanism: Is a proposed philosophy that reflects the emerging world view of Post Materialism, the Traditional Indigenous perspective and the personal self-reliance and independence of the pioneer spirit of western Canada. It is in contrast to the previously prevailing philosophy of Materialism of the 1700’s upon which the US constitution and the much later Trudeau’s constitution in Canada (1982) are based.

Constructs of Humanity: Institutions that are not found in nature and are created by mankind. States, governments, businesses, unions, social organizations etc are all constructs of humanity

Traditional Indigenous Governance: This is a mechanical governance system in which no entity greater than the people is recognized. There is no state, no permanent authority to which the people are subject and no judicial enforcement of entrenched authority. It was just the people. All leadership was short term, granted at the will of the people and often offered based on personal traits or personal actions. Leadership was responsible to the people.

Traditional Governance of North America: The Tradition Indigenous Governance was practices by the First People of the great northern prairies for thousands of years. It is understood but unverified that this same governance structure was used by all of the First People of North America for that time period.

European style governance: The hereditary right of kings, royal prerogative, the nation state, totalitarianism, dictatorships and top-down governance are all products of European style governance concepts of command and control, conquest and domination. The introduction of legalism and enforcement in the 1700’s rationalized the use of force to maintain the power of the governing body.

Pioneer Spirit of the west: Pioneers came to western Canada from all over Europe and the United States. They came to these lands seeking opportunity, self-initiative and freedom from oppressive governments. They were not loyal British of French subjects that colonized the new lands for the greater glory of their nation. They were fiercely individualistic and independent with an understanding of the importance of helping the neighbor.

Organic v Mechanical states: Organic states are those that are defined by a constitution as being separate entities from the people such that they have a life and existence of their own in a manner that is similar to an organic entity. The United States, Napoleon’s France and Hitler’s Germany were all organic states. Mechanical states are those that are no more than the sum of the people. They are mechanisms in which the people come together to coordinate, collaborate and find common cause. Setting the monarchy aside Britain with its parliamentary system is a mechanical state.

Canada was similar to Britain in that it was a mechanical state before 1982. At that time Trudeau’s constitution changed it into an organic entity to align with the United States.

Nation State v Nation of People: The Nation State is an organic state where the people belong to and are subjects of the state. A Nation of People is a mechanical entity in which the state and the government are subjects of the people and exist at the ongoing will of the people.

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